Some of the people seen were Albert Zuege, Alan Zuege, Mildred Stute, Almeda Norris, Deloris Zuege, Louise Thomsen, Barbara Neville, Russ & Char Hoover, Dallas Adams, Don and Joanne Webster, LeNeta Carlock, Myrna Mulligan, Karen Harford, CD Samler, Rex & Beverly Tracy, Pat Fortkamp, Gwen (Scrivner), Jeanne Wall, Laura Pearl Wall, Duane Wall.
The picture is Leah Brewer, Almeda Norris, Russ & Char Hoover.
Hope you will add a comment to tell about who you saw and visited with at the reunion.
If you have pictures to add to the blog, send them to
Wonderful picture and many fond memories of Haigler & the great people who live there.