On May 15 Alice Gregory flew from Tucson, Arizona, where she lives, to Denver. She was picked up by Dwight and Leah Brewer, who delivered her to Floy Fisher's house in Haigler. The sisters spent a few days enjoying each others company before Alice went to Lincoln where she will spend the month of June with Sherri. She will fly to Houston on June 30 to spend a month or so with Dick and his family.
Ever since "the girls" decided she could fly alone if she would get in a wheel chair and "act old", she has been traveling between Nebraska and Arizona and now will add Texas to her itinarary.
On June 20, Alice will celebrate her 75th class reunion at the St. Francis High School Alumni Reunion.
For the last couple of days, Alice has been in the yard pulling weeds from Sherri's flowerbeds almost before the birds woke up!!! She has never gotten over the farm habit of early rising.
Anyone wishing to congratulate Alice on her 75th high school reunion may email her at agregory92@hotmail.com.
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