Saturday, May 28
11 a.m.-4 p.m. mdt- open house at the Cornerstone Center for Community Service
Haigler Lutheran Church youth will be selling homemade noodles, icecream, and doing car washes
4 p.m.-60th year class reunion at the Golden Inn Senior Senior (includes dinner)
5-6 p.m.- honor class pictures at h.s. gym in Benkelman
6:15 p.m.- Dundy County/Stratton annual alumni banquet-in Benkelman
8-11 p.m.-live music and dance in Haigler at the Cornerstone Center gymnasium food, wine & beer available
Sunday, May 29
12 noon mdt--pot luck luncheon at Legion Community Bldg. on Main Street (hosted by 50th and 60th year Haigler High School Reunion Classes) All of the community is invited to attend--in addition to Haigler Alumni. Come join everyone for a fine meal.
2-4 p.m. all of Haigler Museums will be open Alice Crabtree Gregory will be doing book signings
Monday, May 30
10 a.m. mdt- Memorial Day Service at the Haigler Cemetery
Haiglerites 1 - 69 (Some of these have moved past the 70 mark!)
- Aaron Irwin - May 7th
- Bernice (Smith) Douglass - February 15
- CD Samler - January 19
- Cal Freehling - November 29
- Claudine (Wiley) Sterner - June 8, 1940
- Dan Leinen - September 10
- Dick Gregory - May 29, 1946
- Elaine (Adams) Corkle - July 29
- Eunice (Gregory) Richard - December 14, 1951
- George Sharp - March 27
- Glenda Smith - December 31
- Janice Irwin - December 27th
- Jerry R. Sampson - August 17
- Joanie Henderson - January 2
- Joann (Adams) Webster - March 5
- Joie Brown - December 4
- Joyce (Tucker) Lovenburg - Sep. 17
- Karen (White) Lindell - June 13, 1946
- Karen Harford - May 20
- LaVern Smith - January 12
- LaVeta (Smith) Blecha - January 12
- LeNeta Carlock - May 7
- LeeAnn Steinbeck January 30
- Leone (Gregory) Carlson - January 27, 1943
- Lloyd Douglass - March 18
- Marlin Crouse - May 7
- Mel Fisher - August 8, 1946
- Paul Freehling - May 23
- Sally Leinen - March 25
- Sharna Richardson - January 15, 1959
- Sherri Gregory - January 20, 1945
- Stanley Carlock - December 12
- Tim Steinbeck January 31
GOC Observers
- Alice Gregory
- Barbara (Dexter) Platon
- Claudine (Wiley) Sterner
- Dallas Adams
- Dick Gregory
- Don Harford
- Evoi (Billy) Clark
- Gail Harford
- Gladys Freehling
- Glen Childers
- Hazel Daniels
- Karen Harford
- Leah (Gregory) Brewer
- Leone (Gregory) Carlson
- Lillian Mahon
- Lillie White
- Linda (Harford) Jones
- Lloyd Douglass
- Melba Harford
- Myrna Oster
- Posts about GOC
- Ray Harford
- Richard Gregory
- Sam Clegg
- Sherri Gregory
- Veda Douglass
- Virginia Harford
Haigler Twins
- Haigler Twins
- Laurene Rohn & Larry Crabtree
- Marilyn and Gerrald Logan
- Gail & Galena Roach
- Kyle & Kaleb Greenwood
- Ryan Jean & Lucas Walker Mildenberger
- LuAnn Green Wall and LuRue Green Krutsinger
- Edgar and Edna Williams - b. 1895
- William & Stanley Palmer
- Frank & Frances Tiff - (Shauer)
- Fernando & Mahala Trembly - (McBride)
- Donna and Dennis Workman
- Marlene and Darlene Workman
- Rodney and Ronney Workman
- Rusty and Randy Flamig
- Robert and Richard Ambrosek
- Chase & Seth Barron (Grandsons of Delford Trembly)
- Robert & Delbert Tucker (Alvie's)
- Ali and Alvie Tucker
- Albert and Elva Enfield
- Natalie and Nicole Harford
- Sharon & Shirley Williams
- Lloyd and Floyd Smith
- Jami and Joni Pevler
- Stella and Zella (Altman) Wall
- Janice & Julia Relph
- Pearline and Pauline Freehling
- Sharon Ruth and Sheila Louise Rose
- LaVerne & Laveta Smith
- LaVoine & LaVonne Smith
- Elois & Elaine Adams
- Dorothy & Donnie Brown
- Carolyn and Marilyn Samson
- Galena & Gail Collicott
- Grand-daughters of Rae White
- John "Keefe" and Kiara Grace Schorzman
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