Here is a photo of Wayne Goodell's uncle Ernest who was teaching school at a country school. Wayne says he thinks it was in Dundy County.
They had a Goodell Reunion in Idaho this summer and said Ernest's daughter, who is Wayne's cousin was looking for a copy of this photo.
Lo and behold I came up with it via Ray Heer in California.
-- Calvin FreehlingEditor's Note: Does anyone know anyone else in this picture? (Click on the picture to see an enlarged version)Editor's Note: This picture can also be found on page 80 of the 1976 Haigler book with the caption, "South 67, about 1905, Ernest Goodell, Teacher. Courtesy, Paul Freeling. Students include Freehling, Higgins Families.
Haiglerites 1 - 69 (Some of these have moved past the 70 mark!)
- Aaron Irwin - May 7th
- Bernice (Smith) Douglass - February 15
- CD Samler - January 19
- Cal Freehling - November 29
- Claudine (Wiley) Sterner - June 8, 1940
- Dan Leinen - September 10
- Dick Gregory - May 29, 1946
- Elaine (Adams) Corkle - July 29
- Eunice (Gregory) Richard - December 14, 1951
- George Sharp - March 27
- Glenda Smith - December 31
- Janice Irwin - December 27th
- Jerry R. Sampson - August 17
- Joanie Henderson - January 2
- Joann (Adams) Webster - March 5
- Joie Brown - December 4
- Joyce (Tucker) Lovenburg - Sep. 17
- Karen (White) Lindell - June 13, 1946
- Karen Harford - May 20
- LaVern Smith - January 12
- LaVeta (Smith) Blecha - January 12
- LeNeta Carlock - May 7
- LeeAnn Steinbeck January 30
- Leone (Gregory) Carlson - January 27, 1943
- Lloyd Douglass - March 18
- Marlin Crouse - May 7
- Mel Fisher - August 8, 1946
- Paul Freehling - May 23
- Sally Leinen - March 25
- Sharna Richardson - January 15, 1959
- Sherri Gregory - January 20, 1945
- Stanley Carlock - December 12
- Tim Steinbeck January 31
GOC Observers
- Alice Gregory
- Barbara (Dexter) Platon
- Claudine (Wiley) Sterner
- Dallas Adams
- Dick Gregory
- Don Harford
- Evoi (Billy) Clark
- Gail Harford
- Gladys Freehling
- Glen Childers
- Hazel Daniels
- Karen Harford
- Leah (Gregory) Brewer
- Leone (Gregory) Carlson
- Lillian Mahon
- Lillie White
- Linda (Harford) Jones
- Lloyd Douglass
- Melba Harford
- Myrna Oster
- Posts about GOC
- Ray Harford
- Richard Gregory
- Sam Clegg
- Sherri Gregory
- Veda Douglass
- Virginia Harford
Haigler Twins
- Haigler Twins
- Laurene Rohn & Larry Crabtree
- Marilyn and Gerrald Logan
- Gail & Galena Roach
- Kyle & Kaleb Greenwood
- Ryan Jean & Lucas Walker Mildenberger
- LuAnn Green Wall and LuRue Green Krutsinger
- Edgar and Edna Williams - b. 1895
- William & Stanley Palmer
- Frank & Frances Tiff - (Shauer)
- Fernando & Mahala Trembly - (McBride)
- Donna and Dennis Workman
- Marlene and Darlene Workman
- Rodney and Ronney Workman
- Rusty and Randy Flamig
- Robert and Richard Ambrosek
- Chase & Seth Barron (Grandsons of Delford Trembly)
- Robert & Delbert Tucker (Alvie's)
- Ali and Alvie Tucker
- Albert and Elva Enfield
- Natalie and Nicole Harford
- Sharon & Shirley Williams
- Lloyd and Floyd Smith
- Jami and Joni Pevler
- Stella and Zella (Altman) Wall
- Janice & Julia Relph
- Pearline and Pauline Freehling
- Sharon Ruth and Sheila Louise Rose
- LaVerne & Laveta Smith
- LaVoine & LaVonne Smith
- Elois & Elaine Adams
- Dorothy & Donnie Brown
- Carolyn and Marilyn Samson
- Galena & Gail Collicott
- Grand-daughters of Rae White
- John "Keefe" and Kiara Grace Schorzman
The 1976 Haigler Book is incorrect about this picture. Ernest Goodell just taught at 67 North. The students listed under the school went to 67 South.
ReplyDeleteCal Freehling
Regarding Cal's comments, does that mean that the children in the picture are not tthe Freehling and Higgins children or that the teacher pictured is not Ernest Goodell?
ReplyDeleteMy goodness! Thanks for the heads-up, cousin Kent.
ReplyDeleteThis is Mark Higgins, the only surviving grandchild of Merle Higgins. My father, Val, was the only child born to any of the 5 Higgins children: Paul, Curt, Merle, Milton, and Eva. None of the other brothers ever married, and Eva married later in life to "Doc" Lorenzen, the dentist in Benkelman, but they had no children. Parents of the 5 were Milton A. and Mettie C. Higgins. Everyone called the elder Milton "M.A.", and the younger Milton got the nickname "Wacker" or "Whacker" early in life. When he was grown, it was shortened to just "Wack".
I about 99% certain that those are, indeed, all 5 of the Higgins children in that picture. Even at that young age, there was a strong familial resemblance for all five kids that Dad, and then I, inherited.
The boy to the right of the man in the suit (teacher?) is almost certainly my great-uncle, Paul Higgins. Note the crutch under his left arm. Paul lost his left leg, when very young, to "TB of the bone" as it was called then. It wasn't actually tuberculosis, but I don't know what the correct medical term is. He was fitted with a prosthetic leg, but not until after he had grown up.
To the right of Paul is Merle, then Curt (or possibly Curt then Merle), and the boy nearly in the middle (long-sleeve white shirt) is, I think, Milton.
I'm also quite sure that the third child from the far left is Eva. Again, the facial characteristics lead me to believe that. She looks startlingly like my late sister Jill did at that age.
If I had a larger and higher-resolution picture, I could tell for certain.
The date for the picture, "about 1905" would be close. Paul was born in 1895, and would be ten in that picture if the date is right, with Curt at 9, Merle at 8, and Milton at 6. Eva would be only 4 years old, though (born 1901), and I wonder at what age children started school back then. I'm now wondering if that picture is actually from 1906 or possibly from 1907, though?
(NOTE: Merle married Inez Herring, whose sister Ruth is my cousin Kent's mother. We're 1st cousins once removed, actually, since Kent and my Dad are 1st cousins.)
As I said I'm 99% sure of this, but hope someone can provide even more confirmation.
What a pleasant stroll down Memory Lane this has been.